Victory Over anxiety

I have been joining in on this 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting from another state. I truly believe God has broken down so many walls for me during this fast. I have been dealing with fear and anxiety in my life for many years. At times it was so subtle, I wouldn’t have even told you I had anxiety. I had some medical issues that started about 8 months ago, and along with that, I started having these crazy symptoms of anxiety that I had never experienced before. I could barely eat, my heart was pounding out of my chest constantly, and I just had a feeling of total despair. I went through so many months feeling like I was never going to come out of this complete panic and hopelessness. I felt that God was just going to have to carry me and I would never be my "old self" again. 

During prayer recently, I felt God speak to me that he had claimed victory over my anxiety. I believe that I needed to be brought to that place of brokenness to reach a whole new level of trust in God that I never had before. I wasn’t going to get back to my "old self.” I was actually being transformed into the person God had intended me to be without the burdens of over thinking, fear, and anxiousness. 

It still even makes me kind of nervous to write this out for people to read, but I know a lot of people can relate to the burden of panic and anxiety. And so, I hope God can use these words to even help just one person know what amazing things He can and is doing in your life. In moments of desperation and waiting, He is working!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) - Holly

Gunter Akridge
Fasting Breakthrough

The past few weeks, I have been feeling discouraged. Defeated and tired. When people would ask me how I was, I didn’t know how to answer. And not having a genuine answer to that question made me feel like I was doing something wrong- it almost felt shameful that I wasn’t able to make enough time in my day to even know how I was doing.

I have been a mom for a little over a year, and it has given me my highest highs and my lowest lows. I have heard this spoken as an encouragement to moms: “Think of who you’re raising, who they’re going to become and all they will do.” I’m being so vulnerable when I tell you it didn’t really encourage me. It made me feel invisible. Like my life’s purpose had now become my kid’s purpose. My job was to raise this baby so that this baby could do great things. And my selfish mindset whispered, “What about me?”

When 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting began, I started a liquid/juice fast partly because I believed things would happen in the spiritual realm, but partly out of obligation. I felt an apathy that I really had to fight against and it sometimes seemed like I didn’t have the strength to break through this wall I was feeling spiritually. I asked God for a fresh baptism, I asked Him for more of His presence. Day 4 of my fast, I sat and waited to hear from Him. I started to get more and more honest in my prayers, and I spoke aloud these thoughts for the first time. Then my thoughts became His thoughts and this crossed my mind clearly- “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20) Oh, how quickly things change in His presence. I didn’t have to muster up the strength to break the wall. He broke it with His presence. I didn’t have to change my circumstances. He changed my perspective with His word. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me! To live is Christ and to die is gain.

His loving kindness, it met me. It corrected me and uplifted me. He is everything. If He’s not a part of it, I don’t want it. And I can’t do anything without Him. I don’t want my selfish ambition, I just want to keep saying “YES, GOD” to any and everything He may ask of me. What great things will He accomplish?? Here am I, send me. Thank you Jesus. - Ashley

Gunter Akridge
Face to face with jesus

Here is the story of one of my encounters with Him. It wasn't the first, but it was one of the most life changing. I've told it many times before and I will again. It changed my life.

I was going into labor, and I was in the labor and delivery unit hooked up to a monitor with no detectable heart beat. We had just been told she was gone. My sister in law had come to pray over us before I went back for a csection, and Jesus had told her to simply call Him the man of sorrows as she prayed.

I wanted to die. We were devastated. Devastated isn't even a sufficient word. And I was angry. I should have had a c section the week before, but I wanted to have the chance to try this time. I wanted a VBAC. And Jesus wanted it, too. I had checked and rechecked with Him for 6 months leading up to this moment, and every time He had said to keep pursuing a VBAC.

So as I sat in that hospital bed devastated and angry, all alone as everybody scurried to get things ready and make difficult phone calls, I looked at that ugly green privacy curtain and said to Him, "You play games with us. That's all this ever was. And I think I'm done."

When Carey's sister walked in to pray, I had checked out. I lay there with my eyes closed, listening to her pray, and the MOMENT - the moment - she called Him the Man of many sorrows, I saw a bright light through my closed eyelids. And then I saw the figure of a Man come to sit down on the bed beside me. The light was so bright I couldn't make out anything but His shadow, but I saw when He leaned in and put His forehead to mine. In the very same moment that I was rejecting Him because of my flawed logic, He came to sit with me and help bear the load of my grief. He put His forehead to mine and I felt this spring burst open in me. It felt like a bubbling up and over. I remember taking a deep breath from the relief that came with it.

I have asked Him over and over about every moment of that day in the almost 6 years since it happened. But the part that is central in my focus is that moment He leaned in and put His forehead on mine. Jesus, MY Jesus, came to comfort me that day. He leaned in to me and He spoke not a word, but there was an exchange that happened in that moment. The Man of many sorrows came to exchange some of His joy for my grief. In every way imaginable, I got the better end of that deal. He got my fury, my disappointment, my lost faith, my hopelessness, my accusations, my devastation. He picked up my broken pieces, and in it's place, He gave me His wholeness. I was still devastated, but I saw the joy of the hope He had just set before me. He planted it like a seed in me that has continued to grow from that day onward. He burst open a new spring of joy and hope in me that day. I learned that I can face ANYTHING if Jesus of Nazareth really, truly walks with me like THIS.

I saw things about Jesus that day and then through that season that I couldn't explain properly if I tried. Too wonderful for words. NEVER the author of the destruction of a little life He had created to live and grow and thrive, but always the Finisher of our faith if we'll just let it take root and grow in us. I am obsessed because He put addiction in me that day. What kind of Person pushes through the hospital room of a mother who doesn't want to see Him; willing to be rejected again by this arrogant little one who simply doesn't understand yet? He draws near to the angry, prickly, broken hearted ones regardless of how they may flail and rage and throw things at Him. He is full of compassion. Long suffering and kind. His mercy "came by me like a freight train" that day. I couldn't stop it if I tried.

That day I discovered that Jesus really IS love.

Jesus, my Jesus. You need to have a Face to face encounter with this Man. It changes everything.

Footnote: Don't worry. Your encounter doesn't have to come during and because of devastation. He likes to come on the best day of your life just as well as a hard day. The key, it seems to me, is - Jesus is drawn like a magnet to those who NEED Him. Do you hunger and thirst for Him? Then rest assured, He WILL come. - Bevin

Gunter Akridge
Heaven at work

Recently, a door was opened for me to professionally organize spaces. It's all new to me and I'm still sorting things out, but there are two things that I know and can share: who God has created me to be and the assignment.

I love that God has created me to be a person who loves the details in everything. There's joy in finding a place for things and removing items that don't hold a place of importance. Not everyone thinks like that and may need a little help getting there.

My assignment is simple. It's letting people who are trusting me with their time and space hold value. Usually the space I enter is cluttered, and what I have learned about clearing cluttered spaces is that it minimizes stress, anxiety, and even depression. It allows people to think clearly, be more efficient, and most importantly, find a sense of rest and peace.

Gunter and Bethany challenge us to see the things in front of us with Kingdom strategy. And so my heart and vision is that with every home or business I enter, I pray that I can be an extension of Him, not because of who I am but because of what He has extended to me. Someone once told me that when we extend the message in our everyday lives, we are inviting people into an encounter with Jesus. That's the heart of it all. - Daisy

Gunter Akridge
No longer a slave to fear

For years I struggled with crippling anxiety, but God brought me through a journey of deliverance and victory. I KNOW God set me free, but when we moved to Savannah anxiety seemed to return. I was plagued with dark thoughts and fears again. I started losing sleep again. I snapped back and began to speak the Word of God over myself, my family, and my home. 

I would wake up with my heart pounding for no apparent reason. I had thoughts like, “You're not really free. You just thought you were. You're alone. You're not safe.”

I got angry one night and said aloud, "Who the Son sets free is free indeed!" I prayed and reminded myself that God never leaves me and doesn't give me a spirit of fear. I recited scriptures in my head. But I was still losing rest! I felt so confused and weak.

On Sunday, Pastor Gunter gave the invitation for prayer. The Holy Spirit compelled me to go forward. I fought the tug at first, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Finally, I realized that ignoring Him would mean forfeiting the blessing. I went down.

I told Andrea, one of the prayer servants, “I know God set me free, but I've been feeling attacked the whole time I've been here!” She laid hands on me and prayed. I felt a shift immediately! I felt joy and so much strength. 

Then I started getting rest again! When the fear tried to return, the Word of God would flow freely through my mind and out of my mouth with power and peace. The Holy Spirit has been bringing to mind specific verses at the exact times I need them. I haven't lost sleep again since.

My rest is back. My sleep is sweet. Fear has no hold on me. I feel recharged and ready to go! Praise and glory to God!! Thank you church family for your passion for Jesus. I'm so excited to be a part of what God is doing here. - Rachel

Gunter Akridge
Home away from home

During my time in Georgia, The Dwelling Church served as pure Jesus to me. It was the presence of the Holy Spirit I felt the first Sunday I walked in, the people who greeted me and loved on me from the first moment they met me, the messages that hit home in the very places of my heart Jesus was after, and the raw worship that brought about perspective and freedom for me personally. Pastor Gunter Akridge and Bethany Dye Akridge are some of the most Christ-like people I have ever met, and I will be forever grateful for the pivotal timing of their love and pouring into my life. - Emily

Gunter Akridge
God Sees Me

Moving back to Savannah was not my plan in 2018. However, due to life circumstances, I found myself moving back to Savannah as a working, single mom of four. Even though this was a tough time and move, I saw God in every move. I needed to find a job. I found one within a week. I needed a place to live. I found one under budget. God gave me a peace before each tough move and decision I had to make. Everywhere I turned God was providing for me! I hadn't had a church family for years before this but knew I needed one. And boy did God provide!

Walking through the doors of The Dwelling in January 2019, I have never felt more at home. I felt so cared for, loved and welcomed. I cannot even count the number of times God has spoken directly to me through the words of a message or the conversation with others at The Dwelling. There have been times when God was telling me to do or say something and wouldn't you know it, the message spoke right to that thing. One of my children told me this past Mother's Day that I am a “believer in miracles.” I thought it was strange, but whatever. I would always say, “Well, miracles can happen,” but sarcastically. Y'all, I am here to say that my God is a God of miracles! Hearts can change. Though my miracle is still a work in progress, I know that God is with me every step of the way. I just have to keep listening. He knows my heart and what my heart desires. Though parts of my testimony are not easy, I am SO excited that God is not done writing my testimony.

Having so many people, speaking God’s life giving words over me has truly changed my perspective. I know God sees me. I know that God cares for me more than I will ever know. I am so thankful for people and church who show God's love and word unashamedly! - Amanda

Neck Pain Gone

(Testimony of healing from ministry time on October 27, 2019)

Last Sunday, at the end of service Pastor Gunter asked "Does anyone need prayer for neck , shoulder, or jaw pain?" I'm thinking, “Oh, yes! Me!!! He says, "Just head up to our prayer team and ask to receive your healing today!" That's exactly what I did. I struggle with recurring knots in my upper back. The pain alternates between my shoulder blades and neck on both sides.

That morning I definitely realized the tightness on my right side of my neck when I woke up. So when he was so specific with the need for prayer I knew this could be the time that I could be freed from this pain. Pastor Bethany led the prayer for my healing as others touched and agreed. I was claiming the victory as she prayed. She even said the area she was praying over what heating up so she was declaring my healing.

Here I am six days later with NO ISSUES! I haven't had to have my weekly massage and that in its self is such a blessing!!! Glory be to God!!! - Sha

TMJ, Neck, Shoulder Pain Healed

Testimony from ministry time at the end of service. (Oct. 27, 2019)

I came forward for prayer because of TMJ and neck and shoulder issue. A young lady prayed for me and I had instant healing and have been doing well. Thank you for your prayers and much appreciation. To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! - Vonte’

Prayer for neck pain

Testimony from ministry time at the end of service. (Oct. 27, 2019)

I walked into service with a tightness in the right side of my neck the extended out onto my trap and down into my shoulder blade. Gunter stated that tight necks and tight jaws had been highlighted by some one on the prayer team. Well, I definitely fell into that category. I’m writing this on Tuesday morning and can say that I am no longer experiencing the tightness in my neck. What an awesome show of the Father’s goodness toward his children! - Jacob

He cares for my children

My MORE testimony: I received a text from my oldest son this morning saying that he forgot to let us know that he was on a jump at 11 a.m. I immediately felt my stomach drop as I looked at the clock to see that I only had 30 minutes to pray for his safety. As I walked over to the door to close it, I plainly heard Theresa’s voice saying exactly what she shared at the conference that God had spoken to her: "Do you honestly think that the only thing keeping your son safe is YOUR prayers?"

It was such a powerful encounter that I had to close my door anyway to regain my composure. I sat with God for a few minutes and thanked Him for growing me. It was such an awesome, and humbling, reminder that He cares for my children more than I ever could. And that while He LOVES for me to pray, it's not where His power comes from! - Kathi

New neighbors

In 2016 our neighbors moved out. There was never a kid base in the neighborhood for Noah to play with and I really wanted that for him. Over the few years prior, I was trying to get back into church and wanted to find a church for my family to belong to. I tried a few times at a local church, even "becoming a member" in hopes of gaining a church community. I enjoyed the messages from the pastor, but the community never came. So, I stopped going to church, again!

Back to 2016, I prayed specifically for God to send a family with children the same age as mine and that we would mesh well. Boy did God answer! In comes Gunter and Bethany with their amazing kids. I instantly connected with them and Noah found instant friends. Not only did God answer that specific prayer, but he also answered my pray of many years of finding a church home. Gunter shared with me the day we met that he and Bethany were sent here to plant a church. Instantly, I told him, "I'm on board." I wanted to do everything I could to see this dream of theirs come to fruition. This is what I had been looking for! It became abundantly clear that God was all over this. Over the last 2 years, my bible knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds and my relationship with God has as well.

Another way God revealed himself to me was after a conversation I had with Gunter about God's miracles. I had expressed to him that I couldn't wrap my mind around miracles. This was a Tuesday. Gunter sent me a podcast that night. The next day I went to work and God showed me miracles that day. It's true what the bible says, "ask and you shall receive." Here are the miracles that took place on that day. ALL IN ONE DAY! First, A friend of mine's grandmother had been diagnosed with leukemia the week before. She went in for a bone marrow aspiration procedure and the doctor came back with the results and said, "I know no other explanation, other than through the power of prayer, but there are no leukemia cells present".

Next, As a labor and delivery nurse, I see the devastating side of childbirth and pregnancy. On this particular day, a patient was sent to our unit because the office could not find fetal heart tones. They even did an ultrasound to confirm that the baby had passed. She was sent to us for an induction. Upon arrival, the doctors did another ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. Well, when they placed the ultrasound on her abdomen, the baby was moving and had a heart beat. Not only that, but they performed a biophysical profile to test the baby's well-being. The best result is an 8/8. That baby had an 8/8 biophysical profile! This woman was coming in after being told the worst news possible and God showed up big time.

And finally, my dog was diagnosed with a liver shunt and almost died. We went to the emergency vet and to specialists in Florida. Obviously, the result was a crazy expensive ordeal. I was so worried, as I did not have the funds for this and was torn as to what to do. That afternoon I received a text from my husband stating he got a raise that more than covered the cost of my dog's bills.

I am here to tell you, that God is so GOOD! He really showed up for me that day. He knew that I needed to see those things to put the doubt from my mind. He is a wonderworking God and a WayMaker! - Abby

From death to life

“My growing up years I went to church and have always been religious. In December of 2018 my family moved to Savannah were we struggled to find a church until our neighbor told us about The Dwelling. My first time going to The Dwelling was after I got back from from training with the Army. The moment I walked into the doors of the movie theater it felt like family.

I was in a very dark place in my life at that time. I felt that I needed something more but didn’t know what else I needed. It was on June 11th of 2019 when my life changed forever. It was after I hung in the tree where I tried to end my life that God opened up my eyes and my heart. The reason why I’m here today because God didn’t see that my work was done. God saw that I still had a purpose here on this earth. God has done a miracle in my life and he showed me that he is the only one who knows when my time is over.

It has been a true blessing to get connected in with the men’s connect group where God has let me know that I’m not alone on this path. I have brothers in the faith that have helped me get to where I am today.

It says in Psalms‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” ‭‭This verse has been one of the most powerful verses in my life.

I just recently attended my very first conference, MORE19, at The Dwelling. At this conference I heard the most powerful words that I’ve ever heard and witnessed God changing lives like he’s changed my life.

After the conference was over I felt the urge that I had to go visit the tree where I tried to hang myself. The ratchet strap was still hanging there. As I approached the tree I asked God, “Now what do I do?” God spoke to me and said, “I want you to climb up there, exactly where you were standing in June 11th and just look.”

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I stood up there and thanked god for this tree, and this experience. As I got done praying in the tree I climbed back down and got on my knees. I could feel his work being done. I felt my entire body go numb. And as I stood back up, I felt everything go. I felt my burdens release. I felt my anger disappear in the woods. I felt my troubled conscious go away. It felt as if God just removed a sack that was filled with rocks of my my shoulders.

It has been amazing to develop the kind of relationships that I have with my family at The Dwelling where God continues to do his work. I’m thankful that God has given me a second chance to be a witness of how powerful He is when you have faith in Him.” - David

Season (Brittany's Story)

“I wrote this after having spent a whole week learning about putting on Gods armor. Ephesians 6:11

I’m so awkward when it comes to talking about my faith in Jesus. Not because I’m embarrassed. Lord knows I talk to complete strangers whenever I can about how good He’s been. But sometimes, I feel a tad insecure that I might say something wrong in front of other believers. Like, calling a chapter in the Bible a verse, or not knowing every single story in the Bible to help relate something for someone in need, not always having the perfect words to pray with people right then, accidentally posting Ephesians 4 instead 6, even though 4 is just as applicable if not more so! I’m still a young Christian, seeking, but hungry for His truths like never before.

I have not trusted easily over time, I’ve been burned by past churches, by my family, by hypocritical pastors. I don’t like posting something that isn’t thoughtful and careful when it comes to scripture or how God is speaking to me or what he’s doing in my life. The possibility of being “wrong” in a public setting is absolutely paralyzing to me to the point I can play something out in my head and I usually just don’t post or say anything, even when I sometimes feel that I should. Working on that being vulnerable thing.

I don’t like to be put on the spot or on display to be praised, or made fun of for a mishap. I mean, who would??

I don’t have to be perfect, though, and will admit my mistakes freely and openly, as long as I get to do it before someone embarrasses me about it. I will ugly cry, people. Lol!

But, here’s the thing, even though my faith is young, it is real. It may seem simple or shallow to everyone around me, I may not have all the right words coming out of the gate, but my faith, it’s deep to me. It’s deepening. The Holy Spirit is moving in me. He’s moving in the Word I’ve been reading. He’s moving in my prayers. He’s making things happen. Because what’s changed in me, is Him. I have allowed God in to makes changes in me. I have allowed myself to be put aside to make a way for Him. My eyes are open. My heart is open.

When I became a believer back in 2013-2014, I bet I hadn’t said the word “season” except in relation to food or weather, and that’s “seasoning” or “seasons.” I had never even associated it with “an indefinite or unspecified amount of time,” a “season of life.”

In this season of life, God has asked me to be quiet. To be still. To watch. To listen. To “hear his voice” not mine. To “see with the eyes of my heart.” To strip down to the core of who I am, so He can rebuild me. It’s painful to let go of so much of what I have always thought made me, me. But, He is real. Despite the naysayers. If you don’t believe, you won’t hear. It only takes a tiny seed of faith.

I have just started my sewing business, working out, I have been a painter, I’ve been a devoted student, and time and time again, year after year, I have been told to stop, and to listen. God has been pursuing me, all this time. I just didn’t listen until now.

I’ve let shame, and comparison, and jealousy, and resentment, and anger into my heart over time. I could feel, and see, and hear those things seething out into my family. I could hear the sins of my past coming out of their mouths. As a spiritual leader in our home, I needed and wanted to change. But, how? Therapy and even self help books are great for leading us down paths, to ask ourselves the hard questions to start seeking answers. And, maybe that’s where it started for me a few months ago.

I was listening to Boundaries, and then Boundaries in Marriage, and Loving Our Kids On Purpose. I heard how other people have struggled in similar ways, worse ways even, and come out victorious on the other side. It all made me ask, “What am I missing, that they’re not?” Then one day, it was so blatantly obvious.

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Intentionality… Love.

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:14

That one hit me hard.

So, I started to pray more often. I started to be intentional about writing down my prayers. I started researching words from the Bible. Words we all “know” the meaning of, like, Truth, Grace, Mercy, Righteousness, Salvation, Redemption, Repentance. Turns out, these words are pretty deep. Hm, who knew?

These words (and so many more) give way to an immensely richer meaning of who the Holy Trinity is, what he wants for us, what he wants for the world, and it starts with each one of us. Just one at a time answering His call.

The relationship with Jesus is a personal one. It’s between you and Him, no one else. 

Sure, you have your relationship with him within your marriage, your family and your close friends, but before then, it has to start one on one with the Father. He comes first.

For me it started a small bit at a time, a conversation here, listening to a book or sermon there, showing up for huddle up before service on Sunday, a hunger for a little more, a want to be there, a want to know Him more, then putting aside all of me to give to Him first, putting aside all the extra to hear, to answer His call. As I began listening, I heard Him say, over and over, in between all my busyness, “Stop. Listen.” When it finally sank in what was happening, I just obeyed. Y’all, I know this is gonna sound nuts, but I was ready to up and sell all my sewing gear, my paints, everything! Every single thing associated with my own personal busyness to be all in for Jesus.

It starts in our own hearts. We have to let Him in first for breakthrough to happen. Things that happen in life just seem to fall into place once we’ve given Him the rightful place within us.

And I am ready. I am in this season for as long as I am called to be. Jesus is the ruler of my heart. I am the daughter of the almighty King Jesus. I pray that He always uses me for the furtherance of His Holy Kingdom. I have put on His armor. Here I am, send me!” - Brittany

Gunter Akridge
Feeling his love

“The presence of Jesus! The MORE! I attended the conference not really sure what my expectations were. I knew I had a longing to hear Jesus speak to me and I knew I was still struggling with full surrender. That first night I kept asking him to let me sit at his feet, to let me feel his presence, to give me just a little bit of his time. I was seeking instant gratification. Nothing happened but I continued to ask him. (Now thinking about it, I was like a little child begging for their busy father’s attention).

Shortly after, Theresa had asked who was feeling cold up to their knees. Me! I was feeling it. She said, “You’re in the river with Jesus!

On Saturday, I started the day the same way in constant conversation with him and he came to my side. He chose to sit next to me. I could feel Him there on my left side. It was like the feeling of goosebumps but there wasn’t a sign of them. I felt both hot and cold simultaneously.

Later in the day it was like prayerful hands on my shoulders during prayer, an indescribable calming, happy, and full feeling accompanied it! He was there—an attentive father throughout the day!

I SURRENDERED! He knows better than I do! He’s always there watching over me. He knew I was in a storm and just needed his shelter. I’m so grateful!” - Lesley

Laid At Jesus' Feet

“The MORE conference. Where do I start? Coming into the conference, I didn't expect to be wrecked. I expected to be refueled, on fire for Jesus, and ready to go out and do His assignment. BUT boy did God have different plans for me! He did those amazing things in me, but He also changed EVERYTHING.

You see, I pray, I worship, I read, but what I didn't realize was that I was doing these things without fully being free. As a person, I grieve for my children, my husband, and some close to me for situations that need miracles. Some of these things have kept me in a constant state of battle because of circumstance. God brought something to my attention- sometimes when you petition for so long, you don't realize that the pain and disappointments along the way in life have a way of altering how you fight. Guilt can settle in, walls go up, and the FILTER becomes expired. The conference helped me realize that my fight wasn't FULLY and completely purified through the Holy Spirit.

I prayed going into this conference for MORE of Jesus. And what I experienced with receiving "the MORE" was the pressing, the stretching, the purifying, the crushing, the transparency, and ultimately the pain and disappointments being laid at Jesus' feet. God knew I couldn't move forward without allowing Him to re-surface me. I wouldn't change receiving any of those things because of what was produced from that. A NEWNESS. Oxygen to my soul. Vision. Even a new way of grieving for things I cannot change. But most importantly a strengthened relationship with my Father. I'm still processing, but the weight is no longer there. It's just me and Jesus. He holds me. He fights for me. He leads me beside quiet waters. He is good. Always.

Forever engrained on my heart-Sometimes you have to remind yourself to die daily, for God to truly live through you. Less of me. More of Jesus.” - Daisy

Gunter Akridge
The True Meaning of Grace

“My biggest takeaway from MORE19 is my identity in Christ. No earthly label can compare to the Father calling me His daughter. I’ve been trying to hang onto things I’ve been forgiven for. This weekend I finally accepted that I am redeemed and indeed forgiven. I have since been able to offer forgiveness to my family at times and in ways that would have been filled with anger and frustration before. I have encountered the true meaning of grace.” - Brittany

Jenna's Story

I always considered myself a Christian. I grew up in church, sang in the Worship Band, played on the church softball team. I listened to the sermons and attended every Sunday. But I never really felt connected to the Church Body, or to God for that matter. I went through a drought, per-say. I was simply going through the motions, trying to live right. But what I didn't realize was that I was actually growing further away from God.

Just recently, within the last couple of months, I found myself being attacked from every corner with fear, panic, illness, anxiety, hopelessness, stress, you name it. I was at the lowest point of my life. I found myself searching for a quick fix, so I turned to medication, which did not agree with me at all. My system was thrown into complete shock, and those attackers grew stronger.

As I was lying in a hospital bed, the Holy Spirit lit me up. I prayed harder than I've ever prayed in my life. It was then I realized I didn't need medication, I needed to fix my relationship with my Father. The Almighty Father.

A week after being home, I was well enough to go to Church. Pastor Gunter's message was about the Holy Spirit. Once again, I found myself lit up with an overwhelming and amazing feeling. I stepped down to receive prayer and can finally say that for the first time, in a LONG time, I felt at peace.

For the first time in a LONG time, I yearn to talk to God. I yearn to learn more about Him through His Word. I yearn to grow in my relationship with Him. I FEEL it when I worship Him. I breathe easier knowing that I don't have to fight my battles alone, He surrounds me, and always will.

For the first time EVER, I feel at home in a Church Body.
The Dwelling showed me how to get back to God, and for that I'm forever grateful.

Gunter Akridge
A New Home

“In 2017, God had placed it on my heart to move out of my home town in Jacksonville, Florida, and move to Savannah to help with a church plant. After a while of waiting and being patient God finally created a space for me to move! So, in February of 2018, I moved!

In Apr 2018, we finally launched our first service as a church. Shortly after in February of 2019 we received the news that our church will be closing its doors. The news was hard to take in. Immediately, I was filled with anger, frustration, and doubt on whether or not I heard from the Lord to move here. I was ultimately lost, without a church home. For the first time in my life I had to “church shop”. I had no idea what that meant, nor did I know how to look for a new church. I didn’t even know what I was looking for in a church, other than great worship, and a great message. I also had no idea what it was going to feel like when I did find that church. 

So, after my first attempt at one church, I kind of swore off looking for a new church because I was sure that God was going to move me out of Savannah really quickly. So why, if God was going to move me, would I try and become planted in a new church? Immediately God was like, ”Naw Girl. You Are Not About To Do That!” 
So, I attended The Dwelling Church with two of my best friends on April 14th. As soon as service was over I remember turning to them and saying, “If I didn’t visit another church in Savannah I would be ok.” 

From then on I haven’t really missed a Sunday. This church has brought me so much peace about moving to Savannah. It has made this city—that for about a year felt so foreign—feel like a new home. It may not be at the church that I thought God was calling me to, but I now believe it took that small step to bring me here. I feel that I now I have a spiritual family again and that God has me right where I need to be!” - Leah

Gunter Akridge
Purpose in tragedy

“Everything happens for a reason. I joined The Dwelling launch team immediately when I heard that someone needed my help to create spaces for others. It so happened that by joining the church I think it was preparing me for a rough time in my life.

Two months before we opened the doors at the Dwelling, I lost my mother unexpectedly in a car accident. I believe that Christ put me at The Dwelling for that reason.

The Dwelling shares so many of the beliefs and qualities that my mother held. My brother and I struggled with Mom in how she always would go out alone to feed the homeless, deliver clothes, or just pray over them. Mom would dress like a clown and go to the children’s hospital to cheer up the kids. I think I only was able to see a glimpse of how passionate and caring she was.

It was not until joining The Dwelling and being a part of the connect groups did I understand what her purpose was. I now see that it was simply to make a difference in someone’s life. If you know me, you know my mom, except she would make me look like a slacker!

I believe I am here for the purpose to serve and continue my mother’s passion to help others. To create spaces for people. I believe it all happened for a reason.” - Bobby

Gunter Akridge