No longer a slave to fear

For years I struggled with crippling anxiety, but God brought me through a journey of deliverance and victory. I KNOW God set me free, but when we moved to Savannah anxiety seemed to return. I was plagued with dark thoughts and fears again. I started losing sleep again. I snapped back and began to speak the Word of God over myself, my family, and my home. 

I would wake up with my heart pounding for no apparent reason. I had thoughts like, “You're not really free. You just thought you were. You're alone. You're not safe.”

I got angry one night and said aloud, "Who the Son sets free is free indeed!" I prayed and reminded myself that God never leaves me and doesn't give me a spirit of fear. I recited scriptures in my head. But I was still losing rest! I felt so confused and weak.

On Sunday, Pastor Gunter gave the invitation for prayer. The Holy Spirit compelled me to go forward. I fought the tug at first, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Finally, I realized that ignoring Him would mean forfeiting the blessing. I went down.

I told Andrea, one of the prayer servants, “I know God set me free, but I've been feeling attacked the whole time I've been here!” She laid hands on me and prayed. I felt a shift immediately! I felt joy and so much strength. 

Then I started getting rest again! When the fear tried to return, the Word of God would flow freely through my mind and out of my mouth with power and peace. The Holy Spirit has been bringing to mind specific verses at the exact times I need them. I haven't lost sleep again since.

My rest is back. My sleep is sweet. Fear has no hold on me. I feel recharged and ready to go! Praise and glory to God!! Thank you church family for your passion for Jesus. I'm so excited to be a part of what God is doing here. - Rachel

Gunter Akridge