
“I knew God. At least I thought I did. I accepted Christ as my Savior in 1979. I was 13. I know he saved my soul that night. It was real. I heard Jesus call to me as clear as if He was standing beside me. He said "Come to me and I will save you? I will, but you must accept me and trust me."  And I did. That night God gave me a new heart and a Love for others I had never known before. 

But Satan decided I would not be a would not be a warrior for God if he could stop it. He knew I was already a child of God just like Adam and Eve but he was determined that I would not be in fellowship with my Father and he used others abusive ways to deceive me. And like Eve, I believed him. He told me that God was pure and righteous (all true) and how God wouldn't want someone like me for His daughter who was tainted and damaged. (Not true, but I believed Satan.) How could God accept me after the things I had allowed others to do to me? I didn't fight against them I accepted it, so I must be bad, right? I desperately needed to make up for my impurity. God would try to draw me to Him, and I would only think of how unworthy I was, how ashamed I was, and how I could never be clean. I searched for someone who could love me even though I was damaged. Maybe if I was a good enough person, and strong enough for long enough, I could convince God to accept me as a servant in His kingdom. 

Just like the prodigal son I would be happy to be a servant. That was the best I could hope for right? Thank God that He wasn't content to let me be just a servant. He protected like He protected Job, even though Satan accused me before God, He said, "No. You may not have her soul. My son Jesus had paid for her and she is my righteous and pure child whom I love. I WILL restore her.”

Just like Job, I lost a lot but God HAS restored my soul to Him. And the love and atmosphere of worship at The Dwelling is one of the best gifts God has given to me.. I am thankful for the past hurts in my life for they are my compassion to others now. As God forgave me I have, through His love and strength alone, forgiven those who have hurt me. He tenderly restores my soul. Part of this restoration process is that God is allowing me to be a part of a family that knows God and makes room for Him so that lives can be restored and His glory can shine into the darkness. I can only praise Him and give Him all glory!” - Nita
