Known and loved

Sunday, I was serving in the hall alone during service. To be honest, I wasn't super excited, but knew I would still be able to hear the service. I was able to listen, with so few distractions!
At the end of service, Gunter said God was pointing out knee pain, specifically on the side of the knee. And I was like, “Huh. How about that,” because my knee had been hurting with every step for a day or so. All I could say was, “Wow, God. That’s interesting.”
After marveling at God and something so specific that could relate to me, praising God and thanking Him for who He is, I realized my steps were pain free. The pain was gone!

Y'all, God saw me. Serving in the hallway. He saw me. What a loving, caring Father we have! I am still in awe of how much I am loved and seen. - Amanda

Gunter Akridge