Gluten Freedom

Heidi’s Story

If you know me, you’d know that for the past 6 years, I have not been able to eat gluten. It literally went straight through me and made me so sick almost instantly after eating it. On the other hand, not eating gluten didn’t really make me feel like I was missing out until recently. In the last few months, I’ve found myself sort of conversing with God about if I could be healed or if I even wanted to be healed. The thought of purposely eating gluten felt terrifying - knowing what could happen.

Well let me just tell you how cool Jesus is because He healed me! I have eaten gluten two days in a row with absolutely no symptoms or terrible after affects - and I’m talking Krispy Kreme donuts and pizza! I sat in church this morning questioning, “did God really heal me?” But it was quickly confirmed through a friend who had been healed of Celiacs disease, who I happened to ask pray for me! Guys, God is still a miracle working God, and even if it doesn’t seem to matter, if it matters to us, it matters to Him!

Gunter Akridge