Unlikely messenger

Jessica’s Story

Just over three weeks ago, I had two bad days in one week at work. It felt like I was pushing and struggling against something but couldn't get anywhere. I started to wonder if I need to leave my work or go to a different department. I kept wrestling with that thought for the rest of the week. The only person that knew about this was my husband and my parents.

That Sunday, at church, a young boy came up to me and said, "God wanted me to come and ask you if you have been wrestling with something?"
I said yes and explained in simple terms what I was wrestling with. He prayed for me twice and told me to pray about it also, like a parent would...so cute. Anyway, I did what I was told and prayed several times a day for a week on this. I was seeking God's guidance on this because it's a big decision and leap of faith to leave a stable income and familiarity with things.

That next Sunday, I was alone in my bedroom between awake and asleep. I actually felt a hand on my right shoulder blade and it gave me a push. There was no question about the action and what I needed to do. I went to church and prayed some more on it. However, I had no doubt in my mind that I was to leave my work.

I turned in my resignation that next day and I have been at peace with the decision since then. When people ask me why I'm leaving, I tell the truth. I've had one lady who told me that she was encouraged by my story on how God is still speaking to people. She apparently is waiting for an answer and had new hope to be patient on God's timing. This is not the end of the testimony but the jumping board to proceed with what's next and leaning on God and His faithfulness.

Gunter Akridge