Finally Found HOME

“We have lived in Savannah for almost two years. We moved from Virginia, where we had a great church family. My daughter and I went to several area churches and just did not find the right fit. I was depressed and told my husband in December that I was probably going to have to talk to the doctor about going back on antidepressants. 

One day this past January, when I came home from work, my mom said, ‘You got some mail that I think you will like over there.’ I looked at it, and it was a mailer from The Dwelling Church! I read over the information and burst into tears! My mom smiled and said, ‘That’s the one, isn’t it?’

I came the first weekend and loved the service and the people. I came the following week, and when I walked in, some of the serve team remembered my name. I felt like I belonged here and that this was God fulfilling a promise that I would again have a church family to worship with and do life with! 

I am so grateful that the Akridges listened to the call to plant here in Savannah and for everyone on the launch team who made room for me. You all are the best!”  - Bobbie
