Healed From Religion

Trey’s Story

Growing up in church, it always felt like you had to follow the rules, wear certain clothes on Sunday, make sure to do your Bible study every day, memorize this verse by next week. Conformity was expected. And don’t think about expressing emotion in Sunday service, except maybe one hand raised during Praise and Worship or an “Amen” after a good word from the pastor.

Years of this, and having little to no discussion about God at home, other than more reminders about what to do and what not to do, lead me into a deep dark shell, shielded by layers of suppression of feelings and a desire to freely understand who God is. I got away from that type of religious environment as I grew up and moved out of my parent’s house, but every time I considered churches I felt it was going to be much of the same, only with slight tweaks in the “rules”.

After some time Holly and I were blessed to arrive in Savannah and come into the space made at The Dwelling, where people at first seemed kind of the same, but something was different. I felt a genuine kindness when being greeted, a real interest when talking about my life and experiences, and true encouragement when looking for somewhere to serve. Then I saw worship and I was shook! I thought “this is one of those churches that doesn’t follow the “rules of worship.” “You can’t wave your hands around and sing really loud.” Back into my shell I went, for a time.

Then I started spending more time around the members of our church, through community groups, serve team practice and events, and most recently the youth retreat. Day after day I started to realize, in a combination of watching those around me, and God penetrating my shell, that this is what freedom in Christ looks like. This is what Joy in Christ looks like, and I don’t have to finish a quest to partake in that freedom. Through the teachings, conversations, and worship, God showed me that I can arrive at that place whenever, but I can’t bring my shell. So slowly, over the last two years, God has been working. In simple moments: encouragement of others in circle up, penetrating lyrics during worship, seeing genuineness in those around me, and an unmatched joy I haven’t found anywhere else. It’s much more than a shallow, fake layer of protection that I was used to. During the youth retreat, after hearing God use me and the other leaders give great words around our devotional time, and having great conversations and worship with people who are over the moon for Jesus, it just clicked: I can have that freedom, right now! And so I thank God that this wayward son has found his way back home, and I left my shell behind.

Gunter Akridge