Always Here

Lesley’s Story

There is nothing more powerful than to see Jesus work . Today we honored Adam during serve team circle up, and the Lord kept highlighting to me how Adam has the power to heal those who have been hurt by religion. During worship, in the conversation I was carrying with Jesus, I was thanking Him for fulfilling all the things I asked for in His name, and how lucky I am that He knows my heart, and that even though I am not perfect and jacked up, he still loves me. At that moment the front of me got warm and I literally felt embraced in a hug, hearing Him say, “I do love you. All I want is for you to find me after each fall and for you to know I am always here.” He kept telling me to get up and share. I kept saying, “I can't. I am frozen.” He said, “Just move your feet and the rest will follow.” I watched others go and testify even though they were scared, even though their words were not steady or rehearsed. It's funny how He proves over and over again how right He is! Adam said in service that Jesus is here because He trusts us. And I'm here to say, Jesus told me that it's because we have an extreme hunger to know him.

Gunter Akridge