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Looking Back at 2020


We create spaces for people to encounter God as a Father, discover their identity, and fulfill their purpose.


The “Year of the More”

This photo was taken on March 15, 2020. Little did we know that March 15th would be our last Sunday service in the AMC or that our world was about to drastically change.


Staying Connected

With our lives on hold and the world in lockdown Church Online quickly became the way we did church together. We worshiped and leaned into the Word together at a distance. We learned to appreciate being together.



We hold fast to the conviction that we are the dwelling place of God, and we endeavor to be a people who carry His presence for the sake of the world.


New Resources

We launched a brand new podcast in 2020 called The Living Room. It features real people talking about real life issues. We also launched a resource for families and communities called Table Talk, a discussion guide to help facilitate conversation and growth together.


Meeting Needs

The events of 2020 brought on enormous financial strain for families in our community. This presented us with opportunities to make a difference. Many in our church family personally brought relief and help to those in need, helping with bills, providing meals, and being a living example of the compassion of Christ. Also, through your generous giving we were able to provide assistance to those in our community who experienced this struggle firsthand.



We believe God makes all things new, and we are committed to helping people become all that God created them to be as God uses us to help every lost and prodigal child come home.


New Location

Who could have imagined that we would sign a lease on a new building during a pandemic? The Warehouse is a space for equipping and resourcing the body of Christ in our region. We are currently in a renovation project that will make room for more people to encounter the Father and discover the hope that’s found in Jesus.


New Look

We got a fresh new look in 2020! It’s clean, simple, and better represents who we are as a church family. With our new look 2020 has also given us a new perspective. We believe the best is yet to come and we are full of hope for the future!



We believe in developing leaders and equipping the Church to fulfill its assignment of taking the Good News of the Kingdom to the whole world through life-giving, Kingdom-minded, presence-centered churches.


Global Reach

Each logo mark indicates a part of the world your generosity impacted in 2020. We were able to support local missions efforts, missionaries, church planters, and even send our own on mission this past year. Not included in this graphic are the 57 brand new churches in North America that we helped plant. Your giving has a global reach.

Global Reach .jpg


2020 Financial Snapshot

Total: $271,794

 As we look forward to 2021, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we carry our assignment to make disciples. May 2021 be a year of unprecedented passion, prayer, and focus as we pursue all the Father has for us.
